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A Brief Bio or Personal Summary

I was born on the East Coast, transplanted during puberty to the midwest, and finally settled on the West Coast after completing school. I've lived in Seattle for 10 years now. 

I feel at home in wild places. In Seattle vines strangle the architecture, plants crack sidewalks upwards, and water and mountains watch us from all sides. Like minded people live here and I feel at home. 

In years following completion of my painting and drawing degree from Fort Lewis College in Durango, CO. I have been illustrating and writing stories for all ages. Comics have been my outlet for the adult voice inside- or at least they have been the space I feel I can stretch my legs in. I am invigorated by the freedom I see possible in making comics.


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Publishing History

Yes, self-published (Web or Print)


Influences & Inspirations

I am influenced greatly by music- and by all the characters in real life I observe daily. Other artists who inspire me are Frida Kahlo, Egon Schiele, Ezra Jack Keats, Eleanor Davis and whoever built the great pyramids of Egypt!


What are you currently working on?

I am currently working on a graphic novel based on my experiences as a pizza delivery driver in college. I have just begun mapping things out and rough drafting, but this project is very exciting for me! I went to college in a small mountain town. The pizzeria was a rustic little place for all kinds of folks to break crust together, tell stories, or sit and watch skate videos. Our work crew was more closely woven than a girl scout's crafty potholder. There was an array of 6 beers on tap. 


Why should people vote for you?

Vote for me after you look at my work, and because you see something worth supporting. I am completely dedicated to the craft of shaping words and pictures and to giving back to the community of people who love comics, books, and art.

Sarah Romano Diehl

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